Customer Case

Espira Daycare

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Pre-school girl looking through binoculars in a wooden playground boat

A tough playground for a though climate

Bergen, Norway has more rainy days than any other city in the world. In fact, it rains 240 days per year. That’s two days out of every three! Espira Daycare Centre in Bergen wished for a playground that would delight the kids and be tough enough to withstand the rough climate. 

They also wanted something that would complement the beautiful nature that surrounded the daycare centre. The landscape architects were drawn towards KOMPAN’s natural playgrounds in Robinia. Robinia is an environmentally sustainable and durable hardwood that is the core material used in KOMPAN’s nature playgrounds. Now, several wet seasons later, the wooden playground is still standing strong, attracting the young of Bergen and looking as good as it did on day one.

It's constantly wet, but there is no hint of rot at all. This is one of the great features of robinia. It's perfect for wet climates.

Ernst Frederik Nygaard - District Manager


Playful ways to prepare for kindergarten

Climbing is great exercise for muscles and motor skills such as cross-body coordination. The Double Tower with Valley Bridge is filled with fun and scaled climbing challenges that stimulates children of different ages and abilities. The rotating gliding movement on the curly climber apart from being joyful, trains the motor skills that prepare children for important life skills such as secure navigation of space, for instance in traffic. The Forrest Shop and Lake Boat are both inspiring many different kinds of role play and social interaction. By being able to enter from all sides, these play stations are very accessible and encourage inclusive play.

Gioia del movimento: capacità motorie, muscolari, cardio e densità ossea
Gioia nello stare insieme: lavoro di squadra, tolleranza e senso di appartenenza
Gioia di imparare: curiosità, comprensione delle relazioni causali e conoscenza del mondo

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Barchetta Lake Forest


Barchetta Lake Forest

2+ Anni

23 m2

8 Utenti

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