
Cosmos Multi Sport

a man playing basketball on an outdoor court hero image

Cosmos Multi Sport

Innowacyjne boiska wielofunkcyjne stalowe/HDPE zachęcają dzieci do zabawy, gry i wspólnego spędzania czasu. FREEGAME zapewnia nie tylko miejsce do grania, ale również miejsce spotkań co pozwala na zawiązywanie nowych przyjaźni. Boiska to miejsce do aktywnego spędzania czasu dla młodych ludzi co prowadzi do aktywnego i zdrowego stylu życia. 

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10 produktów

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    The innovative multi sport pitches in steel/HDPE encourage children to explore sports while they socialise. The High Density Polyethylene, HDPE, is extremely strong, abrasion resistant and exhibits a low coefficient of friction. The material is also moisture, stain, and odour resistant. Amongst its many uses is as cutting boards for food.

    FAQ for Cosmos Multi Sport

    How many can play at any one time?

    The various sizes determine how many can participate. The nature of the arenas and what sport is being played tends to self-balance the numbers. The Cosmos reduces the need for goalkeepers. Most teens have groups of close friends, the perfect number for a quick game. Soccer is said to have eleven-aside because they ‘borrowed’ their first rules from cricket. Somehow that number seems to fit perfectly onto a pitch. 

    What is the difference between an arena and a stadium?

    Stadiums tend to be larger seating capacity, American Football, soccer and rugby are played in stadiums. Ice hockey, basketball and handball in arenas, usually to audiences of less that 20,000. The word arena incidentally comes from the Roman name for the sand used to cover the ground after a bloody gladiatorial fight.