
Boiska Wielofunkcyjne MUGA

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Boiska Wielofunkcyjne MUGA

Boiska Wielofunkcyjne MUGA KOMPAN są dostępne w różnych rozmiarach i kształtach, aby dostosować się do wielu sportów. Ten przegląd produktów to najpopularniejsze boiska MUGA i kilka rozwiązań dla inspiracji co sprawia, że możesz zbudować swoje boisko MUGA tak jak chcesz. Podstawowe rozwiązania w standardowych rozmiarach są dostępne jako punkt początkowy. Możemy Ci pomóc dostosować styl, wartość zabawy, materiały czy dostępność na ponad 40000 sposobów. 

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36 produktów

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    How to customise a Multi Use Games Area

    When it comes to creating your ideal Multi Use Games Area, there are various key elements to take into consideration. What do you want the multi sport arena to look like? Is it going to be a football MUGA, a hockey MUGA, or something else entirely? What entry/exit points will you have, and are they accessible for those with disabilities? With over 40,000 combinations available, it may seem overwhelming. But don’t worry, KOMPAN’s experts are here to help. Browse some of our most popular products for inspiration, or alternatively you can plan your dream Multi Use Games Area with your local KOMPAN area manager by calling 01908 201 002.

    The benefits of a Multi Use Games Area

    Due to the flexibility of a Multi Use Games Area, the list of benefits they can bring is extensive. Here are just a few of the main benefits of installing a multi sport arena:

    Versatility: Multi Use Games Areas are just that – multi use. Whether it’s a group of avid teenagers looking to play 5-a-side or an elderly couple hoping to play a game of tennis, a multi sport arena provides the perfect place for them to enjoy their chosen activities. You can even build your MUGA pitches with a wheelchair entrance to make them more accessible to those with disabilities. The possibilities truly are endless, and it is this versatility that can make a MUGA such a great addition to the local community.

    Community Spirit: Sports brings people together, and Multi Use Games Areas have the potential to serve as a hub for socialisation and team spirit. By installing a MUGA, members of the local area will have a dedicated area for group exercise. As locals begin to visit the multi sport arena they may find a new passion for sport, make new friend groups, or just generally feel more involved in their community.

    Health & Safety: When there is nowhere suitable to go, people will find unorthodox ways to participate in the activities they enjoy. In some cases, this may involve playing sports in the street or on uneven terrain. This is not ideal and leaves members of the community susceptible to accidents or injury. MUGA pitches can provide a compliant, risk assessed space for locals to play group sports and enjoy themselves, helping to support the community whilst keeping everyone safe.

    Physical Activity: Sedentary lifestyles are becoming evermore present in society. From spending too much time on games consoles to working at a desk all day, many of us aren't moving our bodies the way they were intended to. Now more than ever, we need opportunities for physical activity in our local communities. By installing a Multi Use Games Area, locals of all ages may be encouraged to get more active and enjoy the great outdoors.