
Stay Fit

senior citizens using outdoor gym equipment for elderly hero image

Stay Fit

Buďte fit, buďte v pohybu 

Jak stárneme, je fyzická pohyblivost zásadní pro nás všechny. Abychom se nepotýkali s omezeními, musíme si svá těla udržovat v pohybu a naši mysl zdravou. Řada Stay fit je koncipována k propagaci aktivního a zdravého stárnutí a k možnosti provádění rehabilitace po zranění ve veřejných prostorách. Portfolio Stay fit nabízí řadu tréninkových stanovišť, přičemž každé z nich se zaměřuje na trénink základních dovedností. Každé stanoviště je inspirováno aktivitami a překážkami, se kterými se setkáváte v každodenním životě. Např. chození po schodech a po nerovném povrchu, kdy musíte udržovat rovnováhu.

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    Potřebujete tipy pro vytvoření fitness lokality?

    The average lifespan of a caveman was 25 years. Today if you live in Monaco you can expect to reach almost 90. It is easy to point towards lifestyles as the source of this substantial but slow improvement, but the speed of the increase in our life expectancy is really quickening. In 1800 in Europe the average life expectancy was 34 years, by 1950 it was 62 and by 2020, it was 82 – by 2050 they expect, based on pre-Corona statistics, for Europeans to get an extra couple of years. What is behind it?  Better diet, medication and lifestyle are principal factors. They are all important and interact, but of the three, only lifestyle can be conducted without additional cost. Getting out there and doing it - KOMPAN Stay Fit equipment is a free ticket to better health.  

    Frequently asked questions about the Stay Fit

    Do I need to be fit to stay fit?

    Obviously if you are fit then it is easier to stay fit and to move your fitness up to a new level. However the Stay Fit equipment is not a vigorous workout, it replicates the movements essential for everyday mobility and through that the freedom to have an active life. These are often labeled ‘the golden years’ but for far too many they represent the ‘rust era’. 

    How many people can participate at the same time?

    The equipment is for communal use rather than mass. Of course doing the exercises in conjunction with others adds to the enjoyment and happiness is the often underappreciated health benefit. As with most of KOMPAN's Outdoor Fitness products, one of the offshoot benefits of the StayFit equipment is the creation of new friendships.

    Do I need expert help to understand how to use the Stay Fit equipment?

    No, the exercises are simple. Beyond sustaining or improving mobility, a major benefit is in building confidence. Conducted frequently, the basic exercises will help in avoiding a potentially harmful trip or fall.

    Any tips to avoid trips and slips?

    Being more active and concisely exercising certainly contributes to stronger muscles and joints, heightened alertness and sharper response times and better muscle memory. 

    The KOMPAN Stay Fit line is specifically developed for people who are in need of more activity and rehabilitation. Therefore, it comes with safety features that minimize the risk of injury - after all, this is equipment you'd normally use to recover, maintain muscle mass, and stay active.

    Besides this, it's always a good idea to be wearing light sports clothes that enable a good range of motion and a pair of sturdy, non-slippery shoes.

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