
Unleashing Creativity: Building Unique Playgrounds with KOMPAN Design Studio

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Webinar details


November 15, 2023

Time (CET)

6am, 10am and 7pm


45 minutes




Design Studio

Webinar description

Hear about the possibilities to develop a unique playground that fits the story of your area and takes the scene or is part of the scene in your environment. KOMPAN Design Studio can shape the forms and expressions that you want and we can build and install them for you. So in this webinar, we share inspiration from things we have designed and built for architects, landscape architects, and for customers. In the webinar, we also share the newest trends and technologies for you to know how we can help you design unique playgrounds.

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Presented by

Morten Laugesen

Morten graduated as production engineer and have several years of experience in product management as well as product development. Today is Morten managing the Variants that KOMPAN creates every day with respect to all the great and challenging requests coming from the market. Our daily business is to surprise and excite our customers with our customized products.

Webinars and white papers about play

A Design Checklist for Success with Inclusive Playgrounds



Corporate Content

White Paper

Sensory play: The why, how and what of sensory stimulating playgrounds

A Design Checklist for Success with Inclusive Playgrounds

Nature play and natural playgrounds

Sensory Play: Science behind child wellbeing in playgrounds

Innovative products - The key to more play

truly inclusive section

Truly inclusive - The reward of thrill in universal play designs

Play for all - Universal designs for inclusive playgrounds

Tweens love playgrounds: 5 new science-based practice tips for school playground design

8 ways to encourage nature play in playgrounds

More play and no conflicts

Play value - The influence of playground equipment

Play value increases with sensory play

The more thrilling playground

Physical activity among preschool children

Tweens love playgrounds

Unique Play Designs - Increase play duration

6 Tips to dramatic play outdoors

Energy expenditure on a KOMPAN school-age playground

The risk-benefit equation of challenging playgrounds

Children playing on a large playground tower made from more sustainable materials in Olins Park

Play for the Planet: Redefining Outdoor Design to Minimize Carbon Footprint

The cover of a book about playground equipment

Families love thrilling and sensory playgrounds

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