
Monkey Trails Mini & Mini Dome

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Explore a trail of play

Trailblazing climb-and-crawl structures for the youngest

Monkey Trails Mini are wonderous climb-and crawl structures designed for little explorers. As the little explorers approach their eyes widen in awe of the vibrant design.

Wave Stepper

The Wave Stepper offers young explorers gentle bouncy movements that train balance and give an understanding of cause-and-effect.

Fun for the entire age span

Age-appropriate challenges are integrated into the play structures, meaning they will continue to grow with the children as they develop.

Stepping Stones

Embarking on a trail of play can tire little legs. Small platforms along the trail enable a rest to gather strength and work as a stepping stone to the next play hurdle.

Activities that present challenges for children’s cross-coordination and their proprioception strengthen more than the muscles and the motor skills. They will strengthen children’s cognitive development as well.

From white paper "Climbing Clever" by Jeanette Fich Jespersen - Head of the KOMPAN Play Institute

Layers of play

A Mini Dome of Awe

The Mini Dome is an amazing play structure, with pleasant swaying rest points, gently bouncing climbs and intriguing play panels. This Mini Dome is big on play value for little explorers.

Climbing is important

Especially in the early years. Climbing develops cross-coordination skills, stimulating the child's brain and helping them read.

Expand the trails

Combine the Mini Dome with one of the wondrous climb-and-crawl trails from Monkey Trails Mini and get one amazing play structure.

Play Shell Climber

The Play Shell Climber is a multifunctional, free-standing climbing and hang-out module where children and parents alike can retreat and pause.

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