Rope climber
children develop cross coordination when climbing and upper body muscles when pulling themselves upwards in the support ropes.
The Fire Station with Hose Tower is a play magnet for children with its dramatic theme that inspires imaginative play again and again. The richly varied play activities on all levels of the play unit inspire children to play, move and imagine together, again and again. The socialise-and-explore play features on ground level, with a wealth of tactile moving play details inspire countless dramatic play scenarios. These tactile play details connect children in play under, around and on the play unit. The elevated level of the platform is reachable by an accessible stairway, and up here the view and wild fireman's pole appeal to dare-devils with its thrilling ride to the ground. Additional egress variation is offered with a curved slide and banister bars. A multitude of ways in, with climbing wall, stairs and ladders makes the unit richly varied in play challenge and thrill. These are known elements in attracting and keeping children in the playground, and not least, making them visit the playground again and again.
676 cm
465 cm
470 cm
The Fire Station with Hose Tower is a play magnet for children with its dramatic theme that inspires imaginative play again and again. The richly varied play activities on all levels of the play unit inspire children to play, move and imagine together, again and again. The socialise-and-explore play features on ground level, with a wealth of tactile moving play details inspire countless dramatic play scenarios. These tactile play details connect children in play under, around and on the play unit. The elevated level of the platform is reachable by an accessible stairway, and up here the view and wild fireman's pole appeal to dare-devils with its thrilling ride to the ground. Additional egress variation is offered with a curved slide and banister bars. A multitude of ways in, with climbing wall, stairs and ladders makes the unit richly varied in play challenge and thrill. These are known elements in attracting and keeping children in the playground, and not least, making them visit the playground again and again.
Main posts with hot dip galvanized steel footing are available in different materials: Pre-galvanized inside and outside with powder coated top finish steel posts. Lead free aluminum with color anodized top finish. TexMade posts of 95% post-consumer recycled PE and textile waste.
KOMPAN 环保系列产品采用终极环保材料设计,具有最低可能性的二氧化碳排放当量系数。TexMade立柱,100%消费后的海洋可循环材料制成的EcoCoreTM面板和模制PP平台底板。
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
适用于这些因素的总体框架是环境产品声明 (EPD),它量化了“关于产品生命周期的环境信息,并能够对具有相同功能的产品进行比较”(ISO,2006 年)。这遵循结构并将生命周期评估方法应用于从原材料到制造的整个产品阶段 (A1-A3)。
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