Design Idea

Park Games

MUGA Solution

In a corner of the local park, this exciting sports area is perfect for kids, teens and adults alike. It’s a place where fun and ball games run wild and energy knows no bounds. The goals and courts invite children to engage in thrilling football and basketball matches, while the unique baskets add a fun twist to their playtime. This dynamic space not only promotes physical activity but also fosters friendships and teamwork. It’s a spot where kids can laugh, play and grow together, making it an invaluable asset to the local community’s lively spirit.

Games area to help elevate fitness, muscle and bone strength, motor skills and cognitive function.
Joy of learning: curiosity, understanding of causal relationships and knowledge of the world
A safe space to help children nurture their social skills through teamwork and provide a sense of belonging. Decreasing a Child's stress and increasing their joy while on holiday.
Joy of creating: co-creation and experimenting with materials

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Multi Goal, 8m


Multi Goal, 8m

3+ years

  • +3

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Want to learn how KOMPAN can work with you to help increase idle time and the ROI for your restaurants, shops, and bars?

Start the conversation today in acquiring innovative ideas for your business, setting you apart from your competitors! Here's how: Pick out your favourite play equipment, then send it over to us. We'll work closely with you to understand your needs and requirements, ensuring you get a play area that ticks all the boxes for you and your customers.

Kuopio, Finland


Customer Case

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An aerial view of a school playground with fitness and ball game area

Segbroek College, Netherlands

community playing basked on a multi games area in Denmark

Sydbyens Bevægelses Park, Denmark