Design Idea
Village Adventure
Play Solution
The Village Adventure robinia playground lets you discover the enchantment of natural play. The charming play area offers endless adventures for curious young minds. From the thrilling heights of the majestic tower to the dynamic balance challenges and the climbing trail, every element is designed to inspire and engage. Watch as children soar on swings, spin into giggles or find harmony on the seesaw. This wooden wonderland not only blends beautifully with its surroundings but also fosters social interaction, physical development and imaginative play.
Freude an Bewegung: Motorik, Muskeln, Kardio und KnochendichteKognitiv
Freude an Bewegung: Neugierde, Verständnis für kausale Zusammenhänge und AllgemeinwissenSozial-Emotional
Freude an Bewegung: Teamwork, Toleranz und ZusammengehörigkeitsgefühlKreativ
Freude an Bewegung: Gemeinsames Gestalten und Experimentieren mit MaterialienDie verwendeten Produkte
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