Design Idea

Let's Play Green

Play Solution

KOMPAN playground solution made from 69% recycled materials. You can learn more about how much recycled material the products are made of individually by clicking the products bellow.

Fysiske evner
Glæden ved bevægelse: motorik, muskler, cardio og knogletæthed
Kognitive evner
Glæde ved at lære: nysgerrighed, forståelse for og viden om verden
Social-emotionelle evner
Glæde ved at være sammen: samarbejde, tolerance og følelse af at høre til
Kreative evner
Glæde ved at skabe: samskabelse og eksperimentering med materialer

Produkter på denne plads

Udforsk standardprodukter, der er identiske eller ligner dem, der findes på denne plads.



1+ år

7.4 m2

1 Brugere

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Legepladsen på Østre Gasværk




Daginstitutionen Gullandsgården

Et billede af Hvalpsund legeplads

Hvalpsund havn, Danmark

Piger som vipper på et vippedyr.

Havneøen i Vejle

preschool play tower with kids playing at camping ground

Kinsarvik Camping, Norge

photo of children playing on a low carbon play tower at Mitcham, Australia

Mitcham, Australien

Children swinging on playground at Normanby Hall Country Park

Normanby Hall, Storbritannien

Playground made of recycled post-consumer waste after flooding at Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Tyskland

Children in Morgan Boyle Park playing on a supernova spinning playground equipment

Morgan Boyle, Canada

Teens playing on play system for school-agers at Federal Hill Commons Park

Federal Hill Commons Park, United States

Boys playing on play system at rivergrove community centre

River Grove Community Center, Canada

Children playing on play tower at Cawthra Park in Canada

Cawthra Park, Canada

children playing on fairy tale themed play tower at Withrow Park

Withrow Park, Canada

Girl playing on GALAXY play systems for teens at Yishun Riverwalk

Yishun Riverwalk, Singapore

Boy on cableway on a playground in Jardin de la ZAC Didot

ZAC Didots have, Frankrig

Children playing on kindergarten structure at Boothville Primary School

Boothville Primary School, Storbritannien

child playing on a kindergarten playground in Denmark

Novrupvej Daycare, Denmark

teens playing on GALAXY play system at Hældager School


pre-school children playing on themed play equipment in Kindergarten

Kreismäuse Düren, Tyskland

Grömitz Pier Playground in Germany

Grömitz, Tyskland

Girl in wheelchair on an inclusive playground carousel with easy access

Frimley Lodge Park, England

Legeplads med klatrestrukturer tæt ved Eiffeltårnet

Eiffel Tower, Frankrig

Girl sliding down from a space theme playground tower at CampOne Assens

CampOne Camping Assens, Danmark