A harmonic design of play frames attract attention. Swinging in a stable, solid framework increases the feeling of security and thus increases the force, concentration and energy that the child dare put into swinging. The more stable, the more play intensity. So children will come back to enjoy the archaic experience of swinging, again and again, benefiting their development of balance and coordination. Adding more seats in a swing frame motivates and enhances social play and cooperation.
사진은 컨셉 참고용으로 실제와 다를 수 있습니다.
825 cm
219 cm
290 cm
A harmonic design of play frames attract attention. Swinging in a stable, solid framework increases the feeling of security and thus increases the force, concentration and energy that the child dare put into swinging. The more stable, the more play intensity. So children will come back to enjoy the archaic experience of swinging, again and again, benefiting their development of balance and coordination. Adding more seats in a swing frame motivates and enhances social play and cooperation.
본 제품 Swing Frame for 4 seats (NRO924)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.
CO₂ 배출량
KOMPAN의 제품 및 지속 가능성 데이터 검증은 고객이 Bureau Veritas가 검증한 방법을 기반으로 정보에 입각한 지속 가능한 구매 선택을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
총 CO₂ 배출량(kg CO₂e)
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
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