
Pull Up Station

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Pull Up Station


디자이너 로드


Pull Up Station

  • Specifications
  • Features
The vertical ladder can be used as a wall, to influence difficulty levels of various exercises such as hand stand push ups, Bulgarian split squats and push ups. Additionally the vertical ladder is perfect for stretching and offers a step up for reaching the pull up bar. The Pull Up Bar is made from solid steel and has a diameter of Ø32 mm. An ideal size to have a good grip.
8+ 연령2 이용자
Side View (image)
Foot Print (image)


273 cm


11 cm


240 cm


The vertical ladder can be used as a wall, to influence difficulty levels of various exercises such as hand stand push ups, Bulgarian split squats and push ups. Additionally the vertical ladder is perfect for stretching and offers a step up for reaching the pull up bar. The Pull Up Bar is made from solid steel and has a diameter of Ø32 mm. An ideal size to have a good grip.

본 제품 Pull Up Station (FPW208)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.

오래 지속되는 품질


Post are made of Ø101.6 x 2mm, pre-galvanized carbon steel and powder coated, a great protection to all conditions.


The connectors are made of die-cast aluminium, specially alloyed for the outdoor environments and heavy usage. The screws attaching the connectors are stainless steel and protected by zinc washers.

FSW_Pull up bars 32mm

All bars intended for pull ups are made of solid, ø32mm x 138 m, hot dip galvanised, S235JR steel bars. This diameter gives the right grip for everyone.

CO₂ 배출량

KOMPAN의 제품 및 지속 가능성 데이터 검증은 고객이 Bureau Veritas가 검증한 방법을 기반으로 정보에 입각한 지속 가능한 구매 선택을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.



총 CO₂ 배출량(kg CO₂e)


CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)


재활용 소재

이러한 요소에 적용되는 전반적인 프레임워크는 "제품의 수명 주기에 대한 환경 정보를 정량화하여 동일한 기능을 수행하는 제품 간의 비교를 가능하게 하는" 환경 제품 선언(EPD)입니다(ISO, 2006). 원자재부터 제조(A1-A3)에 이르는 전체 제품 단계에 전과정 평가 접근법을 적용합니다.

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