lo scivolamento sviluppa la consapevolezza spaziale e il senso dell'equilibrio. Inoltre, i muscoli del core vengono allenati quando si sta seduti in posizione eretta e si scende.
empatia stimolata dal fare a turno.
Torre Gioco con Altalena, 2 sedute
Ths play tower with a swing enhances physical play with opportunities for children to move their bodies by climbing, stretching, sliding, and swinging. The structure motivates children by providing a variety of play activities for physical, social, and cognitive play. The Rappel climber strengthens muscles and helps to develop cross-coordination skills. This enhances a child's ability to use both sides of their brain, and supports the internal structures that enable reading and thinking. Sliding is immensely thrilling and also supports posture and balance. They are the basis for many other physical skills and help to build up confidence to navigate the world securely. Swinging is a favourite playground activity that instantly attracts children. The two swing seats will provide hours of social interaction and fun.
Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo. Possono verificarsi delle deviazioni.
786 cm
502 cm
420 cm
Ths play tower with a swing enhances physical play with opportunities for children to move their bodies by climbing, stretching, sliding, and swinging. The structure motivates children by providing a variety of play activities for physical, social, and cognitive play. The Rappel climber strengthens muscles and helps to develop cross-coordination skills. This enhances a child's ability to use both sides of their brain, and supports the internal structures that enable reading and thinking. Sliding is immensely thrilling and also supports posture and balance. They are the basis for many other physical skills and help to build up confidence to navigate the world securely. Swinging is a favourite playground activity that instantly attracts children. The two swing seats will provide hours of social interaction and fun.
Questo prodotto, Torre Gioco con Altalena, 2 sedute (PCM110721), è fornito da KOMPAN Svizzera.
Pannelli di EcoCore ™ da 19 mm. EcoCore ™ è un materiale altamente resistente ed ecologico, che non solo è riciclabile dopo l'uso, ma è anche costituito da un nucleo prodotto al 100% da materiale riciclato.
Main posts with hot dip galvanized steel footing are available in different materials: Pressure impregnated pine wood posts. Pre-galvanized inside and outside with powder coated top finish steel posts. Lead free aluminum with color anodized top finish.
All decks are supported by unique designed low-carbon aluminum profiles with multiple attachment options. The grey colored molded decks are made of 75% post-consumer waste PP material with a non-skid pattern and texture surface.
The slides can be chosen in different materials and colors: Straight or curved one-piece molded PE slides in yellow or grey color. Combined EcoCore™ sides and stainless-steel. Full stainless steel in one-piece design for more vandalism proof solutions.
Ropes of UV-stabilized PES rope strands with inner steel cable reinforcement. The polyester yarn is made from +95% post-consumer materials and is inductively melted onto each strand.
Versione in legno di pino certificato FSC® (FSC®C004450) con trattamento di impregnazione a pressione per la base e finitura superiore verniciata marrone. Le tavole verticali e le estremità superiori sono protette da un esclusivo profilo in alluminio, che garantisce un'elevata resistenza all'esterno.
La validazione dei dati del nostro prodotto e della sostenibilità aiuta i clienti a prendere decisioni di acquisto informate, basate su metodi convalidati da Bureau Veritas.
Emissioni totali di CO₂ (kg CO₂e)
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
Materiali riciclati
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