
Jumper Six-sided, 108x108x108cm

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Jumper Six-sided, 108x108x108cm


디자이너 로드


Jumper Six-sided, 108x108x108cm

  • Gallery
  • Play values
  • Specifications
  • Features
Bouncing on the Jumper Sixsided is one of the most popular activities of the playground. The children will be highly attracted to the immediate response of the Jumper to their movements and jump repeatedly. The small measure of the Jumper makes it perfect as playground "glue", connecting activities when put together in paths. This will support games like The Ground is Lava. Jumping is a fantastic activity for motor skills such as balance, proprioception and rhythm. When jumping up and down, all big muscle groups get trained. The jumping on and off the Jumper additionally builds bone density. Bone density is primarily built during early youth, so to build strong bones for life, children should take as much weight bearing activity as they can. There are few ways funnier than the responsive Jumper.

Play Value

Play value is the value gained from play, the value that makes the child “want” or developmentally “need” to undertake the activity and thus gives the play item holding power. Play value can be described very precisely in developmental terms, looking into the human physical, cognitive, social and emotional developmental stages.

더 보기

Bouncy floor


trains motor skills ABC: agility, balance and coordination, as well as proprioception and rhythm when jumping on and off. Bone density is built when jumping on and off.


turn-taking and cooperation skills when timing when to jump in and out, one after the other.

Sturdy rubber edging


supports turn-taking skills and cooperation offering a sturdy, yet softer waiting and observing space for children about to enter.

4+ 연령1 이용자
Side View (image)
Foot Print (image)


168 cm


193 cm


3 cm


Bouncing on the Jumper Sixsided is one of the most popular activities of the playground. The children will be highly attracted to the immediate response of the Jumper to their movements and jump repeatedly. The small measure of the Jumper makes it perfect as playground "glue", connecting activities when put together in paths. This will support games like The Ground is Lava. Jumping is a fantastic activity for motor skills such as balance, proprioception and rhythm. When jumping up and down, all big muscle groups get trained. The jumping on and off the Jumper additionally builds bone density. Bone density is primarily built during early youth, so to build strong bones for life, children should take as much weight bearing activity as they can. There are few ways funnier than the responsive Jumper.

본 제품 Jumper Six-sided, 108x108x108cm (JUM103)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.

오래 지속되는 품질

Jumper membranes

The jumping membranes are made of 6,0mm thick EP Ethylene-Propylene conveyor belt with polyester polyamide fabric carcass. Spring fixations are reinforced with steel bushings and washers on both sides. The membrane is ozone resistant and equipped with 8 center placed water drain holes.

Jumper springs JUM101+102+103

All 36 springs are made of stainless steel to ensure durability and excellent corrosion resistance. The steel wire is 3,2 mm thick and the last five windings are cone shaped to ensure long lifetime of the jumper.

Jumper SBR tiles

The tiles are molded in grey granulated recycled rubber (SBR/NR), and the KOMPAN logo is made of EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer. Inside each of the rubber tiles there is a 3 mm hot dip galvanized steel plate.

Jumper steel box JUM101+102+103+104

All steel components are manufactured from carbon steel S235 in a thickness of 3 mm. Side panels, support walls for top frame, plates bended with SBR and plates flat for in-situ surfacing are hot dip galvanized.

Jumper service opening

As a unique feature the SBR tiles can be removed for cleaning and service. By loosen six screws the SBR tile can be lifted up to open and gain access to the springs (see instruction on KOMPAN Master).

Jumper in-situ surfacing

If customized colors of the surfacing is requested all jumpers can be ordered with steel plates suitable for in situ surfacing in preferred color. For in situ installations there is no service opening option.

CO₂ 배출량

KOMPAN의 제품 및 지속 가능성 데이터 검증은 고객이 Bureau Veritas가 검증한 방법을 기반으로 정보에 입각한 지속 가능한 구매 선택을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.



총 CO₂ 배출량(kg CO₂e)


CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)


재활용 소재

이러한 요소에 적용되는 전반적인 프레임워크는 "제품의 수명 주기에 대한 환경 정보를 정량화하여 동일한 기능을 수행하는 제품 간의 비교를 가능하게 하는" 환경 제품 선언(EPD)입니다(ISO, 2006). 원자재부터 제조(A1-A3)에 이르는 전체 제품 단계에 전과정 평가 접근법을 적용합니다.

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