customer case

Randers Regnskov

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Small themed playground with wooden tractor and animals

Case Details




Randers Regnskov, Zoo


Fascia d'Età


Capacità degli utenti


Farmer themed playground for the youngest visitors

The zoo, Randers Regnskov, wanted a farmer-themed area for the children to enjoy. The play equipment is something the children will recognise and, at the same time, learn about Danish history with the farmestry and the animals around them.

randers-regnskov DK KDSR
The playground is divided into sections with different play- and learning facilities that contribute to the children's development.
randers-regnskov DK KDSR 2
randers regnskov goats
randers regnskov barn 1
randers regnskov barn 2
randers-regnskov DK KDSR

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Giungla 4x4


Giungla 4x4

2+ Anni

23.9 m2

8 Utenti

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