Design Idea

Little Explorers

Play Solution

This charming playground is a centerpiece in the kindergarten. Placed next to the sports field, it is a haven for the children. With its exciting climbing structures and exploratory play activities, it sparks joy and physical challenges. Here, kids can climb and explore, all while making new friends and building strong bonds. The playground encourages active play, making it the perfect spot for little ones to laugh, learn and grow together. It’s a delightful space where every day is an adventure experienced together with the best friends.

움직임의 즐거움: 운동 능력, 근육, 유산소 운동 및 골밀도
배움의 즐거움: 호기심, 인과 관계에 대한 이해, 세상에 대한 지식
함께하는 즐거움: 팀워크, 관용, 소속감
창작의 즐거움: 공동 창작 및 재료 실험

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2+ Years

104 m2

66 이용자

디자인 아이디어 문의

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더 많은 유치원 놀이터 사례

토들러 파라다이스


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