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야외 공간에서 더 많은 움직임 창출

플레이얼라이브는 고전적인 놀이와 최고의 가상 세계를 통합합니다.

플레이얼라이브는 야외 공간에서 놀이, 학습, 움직임, 그리고 무엇보다도 운동을 만들어냅니다.

이는 터치(활성화)에 반응하는 전자 센서 장치로 구성된 고유한 플랫폼을 사용하여 만들어지며, 이후 디스플레이, 빛, 소리 및 음성을 통해 사용자와 소통합니다.


Obvious locations where Infinity really provides value to a wide target group are as part of the large playground, the modern schoolyard and parks, but also the urban environment that wants to promote movement, play and learning.


For areas where space is limited, choose the PlayAlive Speed solution. It is a smaller course, but packs plenty of challenge and play value. It is recommended for children aged 6-10 but curious older children and adults are also sure to find it entertaining.


The e-Wall is a 'plug & play' module that is mounted directly on existing interior or exterior walls. The module is plugged into a power outlet and is immediately ready for engaging playtime.

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