inclined crawling or walking up or down develops the sense of balance and cross coordination.
the inclination makes climbing feel secure, especially for younger children.
The Forest Cottage evokes the play urge in all children with its curved roof and a nice desk and bench inside. They will come back for more play again and again. The dramatic play scenarios of the house know no limits: there is room for continued role play that children will return to again and again. The desk and bench inside will stimulate breaks and function as table, too. The stair and slope in and out the house makes varied accesses that stimulate both crawling and climbing. This trains cross-coordination, that is fundamental to the ability to e.g. read. When children do dramatic play, they play out an understanding of everyday scenarios, negotiating through their life observations. While doing so, they constantly talk and communicate with their peers, thus hugely stimulating language skills and thinking skills.
사진은 컨셉 참고용으로 실제와 다를 수 있습니다.
Play value is the value gained from play, the value that makes the child “want” or developmentally “need” to undertake the activity and thus gives the play item holding power. Play value can be described very precisely in developmental terms, looking into the human physical, cognitive, social and emotional developmental stages.
262 cm
189 cm
292 cm
The Forest Cottage evokes the play urge in all children with its curved roof and a nice desk and bench inside. They will come back for more play again and again. The dramatic play scenarios of the house know no limits: there is room for continued role play that children will return to again and again. The desk and bench inside will stimulate breaks and function as table, too. The stair and slope in and out the house makes varied accesses that stimulate both crawling and climbing. This trains cross-coordination, that is fundamental to the ability to e.g. read. When children do dramatic play, they play out an understanding of everyday scenarios, negotiating through their life observations. While doing so, they constantly talk and communicate with their peers, thus hugely stimulating language skills and thinking skills.
본 제품 Forest Cottage (NRO408)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.
All Organic Robinia products by KOMPAN are made of Robinia wood from sustainable European sources. On request it can be supplied as FSC® Certified (FSC® C004450).
The paint used for coloured components is water based environmentally friendly with excellent UV resistance. The paint is in compliance with EN 71 Part 3.
The Robinia products are designed with a KOMPAN colour concept with a number of different standard colours. The wood can also be supplied as untreated or with brown painted with a pigment that maintains the wood colour.
The product/activities are preassembled from the factory to ensure all safety requirements are considered.
The hardware is made of stainless steel or galvanised steel to ensure durable connections with a high corrosion resistance.
KOMPAN의 제품 및 지속 가능성 데이터 검증은 고객이 Bureau Veritas가 검증한 방법을 기반으로 정보에 입각한 지속 가능한 구매 선택을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
총 CO₂ 배출량(kg CO₂e)
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
재활용 소재
이러한 요소에 적용되는 전반적인 프레임워크는 "제품의 수명 주기에 대한 환경 정보를 정량화하여 동일한 기능을 수행하는 제품 간의 비교를 가능하게 하는" 환경 제품 선언(EPD)입니다(ISO, 2006). 원자재부터 제조(A1-A3)에 이르는 전체 제품 단계에 전과정 평가 접근법을 적용합니다.
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