Boarding net
supports physical strength and cross-body coordination, which impacts coordination of the right and left part of brain, fundamental for other skills such as the ability to read.
The amazing Cliff Rider is hugely attractive to school age children. It calls for repeated loops of action, again and again. The intensely thrilling ride high up in the air, on a small footrest, is for the courageous. And those who aren’t at the first go, get there with a little help from their friends. Till then, there is ample climbing and gliding on the Pipe Ladder, Climbing Net and Fireman’s Pole. The Cliff Rider trains muscle force, tension, timing and sequencing of movements. Judging your body’s movements, object control as well as timing is quite a complex task. It builds life skills that make it possible to navigate the body securely and confidently through for instance street traffic. Furthermore, the self-confidence that children gain from overcoming their initial hesitations to travel on the Cliff Rider, builds social-emotional fundaments for friendships.
Play value is the value gained from play, the value that makes the child “want” or developmentally “need” to undertake the activity and thus gives the play item holding power. Play value can be described very precisely in developmental terms, looking into the human physical, cognitive, social and emotional developmental stages.
597 cm
187 cm
367 cm
The amazing Cliff Rider is hugely attractive to school age children. It calls for repeated loops of action, again and again. The intensely thrilling ride high up in the air, on a small footrest, is for the courageous. And those who aren’t at the first go, get there with a little help from their friends. Till then, there is ample climbing and gliding on the Pipe Ladder, Climbing Net and Fireman’s Pole. The Cliff Rider trains muscle force, tension, timing and sequencing of movements. Judging your body’s movements, object control as well as timing is quite a complex task. It builds life skills that make it possible to navigate the body securely and confidently through for instance street traffic. Furthermore, the self-confidence that children gain from overcoming their initial hesitations to travel on the Cliff Rider, builds social-emotional fundaments for friendships.
본 제품 Robinia Cliff Rider, H:178cm (NRO2014)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.
The pole vaulter pole is made of a welded steel construction with a 360° standing platform of Ekogrip. The double sided curved handles are made of EcoCore material. The pole combines superior ergonomics with outstanding functionality.
The rocking movement back and forth is controlled by a heavy duty scaled double rubber torsion spring element. The rubber element ensures a safe movement and reduces speed towards the tower platforms. The base cover of molded PE material with high impact resistance.
The curved start platforms are made of a curved stainless steel plate with non skid texture. The lower part of the platform is supported by a EcoCore board for safe foothold and the rubber bumper is placed to receive the pole.
All Organic Robinia products by KOMPAN are made of Robinia wood from sustainable European sources. On request it can be supplied as FSC® Certified (FSC® C004450).
The paint used for coloured components is water based environmental friendly with excellent UV resistance. The paint is in compliance with EN 71 Part 3.
The Robinia products are designed with a KOMPAN colour concept with a number of different standard colours. The wood can also be supplied as untreated or with brown painted with a pigment that maintains the wood colour.
KOMPAN의 제품 및 지속 가능성 데이터 검증은 고객이 Bureau Veritas가 검증한 방법을 기반으로 정보에 입각한 지속 가능한 구매 선택을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
총 CO₂ 배출량(kg CO₂e)
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
재활용 소재
이러한 요소에 적용되는 전반적인 프레임워크는 "제품의 수명 주기에 대한 환경 정보를 정량화하여 동일한 기능을 수행하는 제품 간의 비교를 가능하게 하는" 환경 제품 선언(EPD)입니다(ISO, 2006). 원자재부터 제조(A1-A3)에 이르는 전체 제품 단계에 전과정 평가 접근법을 적용합니다.
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