Design Idea
People's Play Park
Play Solution
Nestled in the heart of the community, this playground is a vibrant hub of activity and joy. Its towering structures and thrilling rides invite children to explore and play, while shaded areas with comfortable seating offer a perfect spot for parents to relax and socialise. This playground isn’t just a place for fun - it’s a cornerstone for building friendships, fostering community spirit and creating lasting memories. Whether it’s the laughter of children or the friendly chats among neighbors, this playground enriches the lives of everyone in the neighborhood.
Freude an Bewegung: Motorik, Muskeln, Kardio und KnochendichteKognitiv
Freude an Bewegung: Neugierde, Verständnis für kausale Zusammenhänge und AllgemeinwissenSozial-Emotional
Freude an Bewegung: Teamwork, Toleranz und ZusammengehörigkeitsgefühlKreativ
Freude an Bewegung: Gemeinsames Gestalten und Experimentieren mit MaterialienDie verwendeten Produkte
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